Post Game Analysis
Just a clever play on words.
Had my post op appointment. It was great to go over my pathology results in person with my surgeon.
Seeing her eyes light up over the mask she was wearing was pure joy!
Hearing the words, "No cancer remaining and no spread to the lymph nodes."extended my gratitude high!
She went over the HER2 negative results more in detail.
(Human Epidermal growth factor Receptor 2)
HER2-negative negative breast cancer means that the cancerous cells do not contain high levels of the protein HER2. All good news!
Alas, but the post op exam was not without some kind of drama.
I had a wee infection around my lymph node incision. Swollen and oh so painful!! For four days. It was excruciating. The site was drained, which hurt more than the biopsy and surgery put together!! For crying out loud!
With a purple marker she put a trail of dots all around the red swollen area. I look like a connect the dots drawing. I have to monitor it daily to see if the redness "colors outside the lines" so to speak. If it spreads past the dots then I need to come back in.
After the drain, I am still very sore and have some pain at about a 6. But it's not as constant and I am very grateful that I can at least put my arm down. Yeah, that's how swollen it was under my arm. Finally got my antibiotics from Rite Aid too.
Thank You Father that the infection wasn't as serious as it could have been.
Oh and while at the center, I got a chance to buy another post lumpectomy bra from the boutique. I am rocking these bras as regular! They are so soft and comfortable, with nice back coverage for a full figured sista like me, I just had to get another one. C'mon, shopping is shopping.
Next up, my medical oncologist.